Understanding What’s in Your Menstrual Products: An In-depth Look at Composition, Health Impacts, and Sustainable Alternatives
Learn about the composition, health impacts and sustianable alternatives of menstrual products
Read MoreLearn about the composition, health impacts and sustianable alternatives of menstrual products
Read MoreToxic chemicals have no place in period products. Join the fight!
Read MoreThe report by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics highlights that ” women face a disproportionate amount of the burden of plastic pollution”.
Read MoreThough 89% of females in the study believed that menstrual waste is a matter of concern, 58% of them were clueless about its fate.
Read MoreIn a country where some people don’t even make a dollar a day, a pad doesn’t really become a necessity, over something like food.
Read MoreWhile advancements in the menstrual product industry have led to increased freedom and choice for people who menstruate, marketing strategies have begun to co-opt feminist messaging in order to commercialize these necessities for financial gain.
Read More“Menstrual equity is having equal access to period products, ways to manage menstruation, as well as education around reproductive health.”
Read MoreThe objectives of Environmenstrual Week in 2020 are threefold: to advocate for an end to period poverty, to promote the conversation surrounding eco-friendly period products, and to help end the taboo around periods.
Read MorePeriod poverty is being exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, more than ever, is a good time to advocate for sustainable menstruation and menstrual equity.
Read MoreNew research suggests that menstrual products may account for as much as 28% of total phthalate exposure in women.
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