Women`s Voices for the Earth release new report on impact of disclosure
The new report, developed by Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), Clean & Healthy New York, Sierra Club (Atlantic Chapter) and WE ACT for Environmental Justice describes how new ingredient disclosure requirements for tampons, pads, period underwear, menstrual cups and discs are providing improved and vital information about chemical exposure from the use of these products in the United States.
Link to report: https://www.womensvoices.org/report-whats-in-your-period-product/
Spanish translation: https://www.womensvoices.org/que-existe-en-su-producto-para-la-menstruacion/
Key findings include:
- Ingredient information is now standard on period product packages– this is a significant change in 2021 compared to just a year prior. More information is available on chemical exposures from period products in the U.S. than ever before.
- Chemical exposure from period products is much more complicated than previously assumed.
- There are ingredients newly disclosed in period products, which are of concern to users for potential adverse impacts to personal health and on the environment.
- Compliance with the NY law is not perfect.
- The NY law is having a national impact. We commonly found products in other states with ingredient disclosures on the package similar or identical to what is required in New York.
- This new information is essential to breaking down barriers to vital information about products used in and on our bodies – and in successfully shifting corporations to remove harmful chemicals and actively seek safer ingredients, and ultimately manufacture safer products.
In addition — on May 26th, (5-6pm MT) Women’s Voices for the Earth is hosting a webinar in which Alexandra Scranton (as the report’s lead author) will discuss details of the report. A recording will be available to all people who RSVP to event: https://www.womensvoices.org/registration-vaginal-health-webinar/