
Join the Campaign for Increased Transparency of Menstrual Product Ingredients

Adapted from ‘Tell Playtex and Stayfree to Detox the Box!” from Women’s Voices for the Earth. Original article available at:

Research has demonstrated that conventional menstrual products may contain numerous harmful compounds, including dioxins, adhesive chemicals, furans, pesticide residues, and various fragrance chemicals. In an independent review of scented Playtex Sport tampons and Stayfree pads commissioned by Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), both products were found to contain undisclosed reproductive toxins, irritants, and carcinogens. This highlights the lack of transparency within the menstrual product manufacturing industry.

By visiting this link, you can voice your concern over menstrual product ingredients directly to Edgewell Personal Care, the manufacturers of Stayfree and Playtex. This campaign by WVE aims to increase the transparency of Stayfree and Playtex by demanding: a full disclosure of all product ingredients on packaging and online, the publication of ingredient assessment tools used by the company to guarantee product safety, the elimination of the use of fragrances in their tampons and pads, and the assurance of improved action taken to ensure there is no contamination in the supply chain.

In this age of rapid scientific advancement, it is unacceptable that women must contend with menstrual products that have the potential to cause unknown or adverse health effects. In order to maintain business into the future, companies like Edgewell must improve their efforts to ensure full transparency and safety of their product ingredients.

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